Tips in Creating a Successful Email Marketing Strategy

Tips in Creating a Successful Email Marketing Strategy

real estate newsletter


The power of email marketing shouldn’t be underestimated. In fact, email marketing is still one of the most affordable and effective digital marketing tools out there, with a whopping 4.25 billion email users who maintain 1.86 email accounts on average. This only goes to show that it is such a powerful way to introduce products and services, and persuade your potential customers to choose you! let’s go over some tips in creating a successful email marketing strategy for your business.


Have the following:

  • A goal and objective for your email campaign. (Is it to generate leads? To gather data? To encourage sign-ups? This will help you in identifying the contents of the email)
  • Have a measurable benchmark for success (In connection with the first bullet, will you measure success via link clicks? Event sign-ups?)
  • Good email content (Make sure your newsletters provide valuable information to your readers)
  • Consistency (Identify a schedule on when to send your newsletter and follow it)
  • Good newsletter design that incorporates your brand’s colors
  • Text that is easy to read
  • Catchy email subject to ensure clicks
  • Freebies and offers! (Free market analysis, tips, etc.)


Avoid the following at all costs! – According to a survey by Marketing Land, people find these email mistakes to be unacceptable:

  • Excessive punctuation
  • Profanity
  • Spelling and grammatical errors
  • Lack of email subject line


Make sure to avoid making these mistakes when writing your emails. Before sending them out, read them again to make sure you’re not missing any important points.


Need help with creating a successful email marketing strategy? 

Creating strategic approaches towards your audience can be very challenging. Sometimes, you may need someone to think it out with. Hiring someone with a background in online marketing can be very helpful. Two heads are always better than one, isn’t it?


If you’re looking for a reliable online marketing virtual assistant, one of the trusted companies in California that you can turn to is Virtual Assistant Talent. Call 866-596-9041 for a FREE consultation today.

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