10 Things to Know about Virtual Assistant: Facts & Myths

10 Things to Know about Virtual Assistant: Facts & Myths

things to know about virtual assistant

  1. Myth: Virtual Assistants Lack Professionalism
  2. Fact: Virtual assistants are highly skilled professionals
  3. Myth: Virtual assistants have limited skill set
  4. Fact: Virtual assistants possess a wide range of skills
  5. Myth: Virtual assistants pose security concerns
  6. Fact: Professional virtual assistants prioritize client confidentiality
  7. Myth: Communication with virtual assistants is challenging
  8. Fact: Virtual assistants are adept at using various communication tools
  9. Myth: Virtual assistants may not be available when needed
  10. Fact: Virtual assistants have flexible working hours



It’s the dawn of virtual assistants. Every business – small or large-scale – has one. If you’re a business owner and you haven’t realized the importance to outsource Filipino virtual assistants for your business, you’re missing out on a lot of progress. Here’s a complete list of tasks you can outsource to a virtual assistant.

Virtual assistants are remote workers who offer varied and specialized services to busy entrepreneurs. Plainly speaking, virtual assistants or VAs take off load from your plate so you can free up time and spend it with your family or concentrate on the more important matters at hand. 

In the end, deciding to hire a virtual assistant is reliant on two things. First, if you have limited resources but have plenty of time to learn, say, marketing or SEO for your business, then perhaps a VA won’t be necessary. Secondly, if you have limited time but ample resources, the best course of action is to hire a virtual assistant.

In this blog post, we will discuss virtual assistants more by debunking myths and presenting facts about them. Let’s go through them one by one.

1. Myth: Virtual Assistants Lack Professionalism

Due to a virtual assistant’s remote work status, some believe that they lack professionalism. Unlike in-office employees, business owners can’t exactly see the conduct, competence, or characteristics of virtual assistants. That is why trust and honesty are the main foundation of this working relationship.

2. Fact: Virtual assistants are highly skilled professionals

Although virtual assistants work remotely, they are skilled professionals like your in-office employees. The only difference between the two is that VAs work remotely, whereas employees work in a physical office. VAs are highly skilled professionals who take their work seriously.

3. Myth: Virtual assistants have limited skill set

Some people believe that virtual assistants only handle basic tasks like organizing emails, data entry, research, and so on. As the word suggests, virtual assistants are seen as people who offer assistance virtually but with limited skill sets. Business owners who are in the real estate business, insurance industry, telemarketing, and more have no idea that there are VAs who are highly trained and skilled to handle specialized tasks.

4. Fact: Virtual assistants possess a wide range of skills

Contrary to popular belief, virtual assistants have diverse skill sets and are often considered the jack of all trades. They can handle various tasks from basic administrative to specialized services like web development or content creation. In fact, there’s a virtual assistant fit for every industry out there. We’re talking about industries like real estate, insurance, lead generation, online marketing specialist, web design & development, social media, SEO, and many more! You can check out this virtual assistant services list for your reference.

5. Myth: Virtual assistants pose security concerns

There can be misconceptions about the security of sensitive information when working with virtual assistants. Since the transactions are all done virtually, there may be some concerns about giving out sensitive information to VAs like emails, passwords, accounts, and such. Some business owners are concerned about VAs having access to their personal account information and even to their website’s backend.

6. Fact: Professional virtual assistants prioritize client confidentiality

When you hire a VA, make sure they’re professional virtual assistants who prioritize client confidentiality and are willing to sign non-disclosure agreements to protect sensitive information. This type of VA understands the importance of maintaining trust with their clients. When it comes to access to accounts and passwords, there are several tools you can use to protect your sensitive information. Tools like LastPass, NordPass, and other password management tools can be used, so your VA can access your accounts without knowing the exact password.

7. Myth: Communication with virtual assistants is challenging

There are some who may assume that communicating with VAs can be challenging due to timezone differences. Unlike in-office employees, where you can easily call their attention when needed, VAs need to be emailed or called via a communication tool, which doesn’t always guarantee a swift response. It may take several hours or even a few days to get a response, which can be a downside, especially in emergency situations.

8. Fact: Virtual assistants are adept at using various communication tools

Virtual assistants rely on various communication tools such as email, messaging apps, and project management software to stay connected with their clients and manage tasks efficiently. You must establish clear expectations regarding working hours and response time to facilitate an effective collaboration. For example, if you require your VA to work the same hours as you and have them respond within the hour, you won’t be disappointed.

9. Myth: Virtual assistants may not be available when needed

Some people are concerned about the availability of virtual assistants. It’s different when your workers come to the office and are only one call away. Since VAs work in different time zones, it might be challenging to get a hold of them, especially when revisions are needed to the work they’ve submitted.

10. Fact: Virtual assistants have flexible working hours

Virtual assistants often work on a flexible schedule, allowing them to accommodate clients from different time zones. This flexibility can lead to increased productivity and quicker task turnaround times. It’s crucial to establish clear communication channels and schedules with your VA to ensure they are available during agreed-upon working hours and days.

Virtual assistants are among the best things ever happening to busy business owners. Without their assistance, entrepreneurs would be neck-deep in tasks. When you have loads of tasks that need to be done, it’s very easy to get overwhelmed. And when you are overwhelmed, it’s hard to be productive.

We hope this blog post has opened your eyes to the myths and facts about virtual assistants. Don’t believe the myths you’ve seen or heard somewhere. Consider the facts that made the lives of countless business owners lighter and better with the help of virtual assistants. If you want to take your business to the next level, if you want to free up valuable time, and if you want to spend more precious time with your family and friends, hiring a virtual assistant is the way to go!

Not yet fully convinced? Here are the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant. Contact us today to hire your first virtual assistant!

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